NBA ELT Pipeline
An NBA Project with multiple components such as a Data Pipeline, a REST API, and a Frontend Dashboard to present various metrics, insights, and fan sentiment on the current NBA Season
AWS Infrastructure
Workflow to create Win Predictions
Pipeline Orchestration
Pipeline Orchestration (Proof of Concept)
A REST API Project written w/ FastAPI & hosted over an AWS Lambda Function URL that publicly exposes Data created from the NBA ELT Pipeline Project
Personal Website
A static Web App that's hosted in S3 and served over AWS Cloudfront
Frozen Flask to Build Static Website
AWS Infrastructure
Deploy Pipeline to Push Static Files to S3
GraphQL API (Deprecated)
A Public read-only GraphQL API that exposes Production Data created from the NBA ELT Pipeline Project Streaming
A local-hosted Kafka Project which continuously sources data from the live-feed Twitch Helix API, sends it to
Kafka Topic, and then stores it into SQL in 60s microbatches
to enable a BI Layer to be served in Metabase